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"Birds" is a series of masked portraits that represents dichotomous thinking—a tool successfully used for centuries by those in power. This approach relies on a narrative, if not outright propaganda, that aims to present a two-dimensional view of reality by identifying two opposing and contrasting thoughts. This mode of thinking simplifies complex issues to the point of reducing arguments to mere slogans that are falsely ideological. Inevitably this leads to confrontation rather than dialogue. Such confrontation sometimes escalates into actual conflict, forcing us to take sides without question, and prevents distant ideas and positions from reaching constructive synthesis. This hinders cultural, social, and political evolution by entrenching ideological totems and simplistic categorizations. For this reason, dichotomous thinking is favored by the representatives of the Status Quo. Since everything can change as long as nothing changes, the dominant position exalted by propaganda is as solid today as it will be subjected to upheavals tomorrow. Opposing stances, once considered indisputable, may be reversed as needed. What was once right is now wrong, what was considered good is now seen as evil, the friend becomes the enemy, the raven disguises itself as a dove.

Project concept by Vincent Moro and Aurora Giampaoli.

Photography by Aurora Giampaoli.

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